About a year ago I re-invented my on-line presence with a redesign and re-launch of robstill.com

It’s been fun, but also a lot of hard work to blog consistently. My goal is to post 3-5 times a week about spirituality, theology, music, missions, leadership and songwriting.

To be honest, writing is not easy for me to do. But I write and blog as part of the call of God on my life, in this season. My mission is to encourage wholehearted worship, in any context, anywhere. I’m developing digital training resources for that purpose. That’s my big “WHY”.

So far, I’ve written 203 posts, with 783 comments, and 22.853 page views That’s lower than some but hey, you gotta start somewhere. My average traffic and subscribers have spiked up since the first of 2012. There is steady increase and that is encouraging.

I’ve also landed some cool guest posts here and here.  There will be more of those coming up.

Lessons learned from a year of blogging:

1. Relationships are the big deal.

You can make real-world relationships from on-line connections. That is so cool, to connect with like-minded folks with similar interests.

I’ve met great cats like Kyle, Jeff and John for coffee. And now there’s a group of worship bloggers doing a regular Google Hangout. Pretty awesome.

Relationships are also why I’ll be at the Killer Tribes Conference in Nashville March 31.

2. Blogging is a writers gig.

The good writers win.  I’ve  invested in resources to improve my writing like On Writing Well (Wm. Zinser): The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction (affiliate link), Jeff GoinsWriter Resources, and 31 Days To Blogging Mojo 

3. Blogging helps clarify your thinking. It helps get ideas out of the head, on to “paper” and into something actionable.

Michael Hyatt covered this idea in his post “What I’ve Learned About Blogging From Writing More Than 1000 Posts”

So if I write 797 more posts, maybe I’ll get half as good as him …. hmmm, there’s a strategy ….

4. You gotta get in the game if you want to make a difference. 

My motivation in life is to hear the words “well done  good and faithful servant” when I face the Alpha and Omega.

I’m not building an online platform to stroke my ego. I’m trying to be a good steward of what has been given me. If this message and music is to have any impact, it has to be discoverable. That’s why I’m on-line.

Moving forward, I want to add more value to folks who follow and read the blog. Your time and attention is valuable and I appreciate you being here!

Thank you so much for reading!

Question: I’d love your feedback. What content would be valuable to you?Â